Thursday, May 19, 2011

To Do Interesting List-I

Words once spoken cannot be taken back

Very true...but if you express your feelings with some other medium like writing (blogging)..then it can be contradicted(at-least somewhere we have this power). Firstly, I thought of deleting the yesterday's post but then gave a second thought of not deleting the whole but the negative part(thanks to WP del feature)

Yesterday I was in low cotton and wrote the post over that....But today I'm feeling better. Mood swings may be a feeling but it is a big time torture of your loved ones...All of them held me like a baby and they were trying to cheer me up....that was the fun.

I made one promise to never underestimate my potential. Instead I will make my interests list every month and will try to carry out them.
So here is my very first,"To do interesting list-I"

To do interesting list-I

1) To Create an Art blog.(will be working very hard on it)

Done 2) Improve Photoshop skills.(love to edit pics, I can do it for you also ;))and also brush up my sketching too

3) To learn basic sewing projects.(yes I really want to stitch my own designed cushion covers)

4) To create an educational blog.(will try to solve people's confusion over many things..say Science n B.ed :D)

Done 5) To follow regular exercise routine (Don't want to shift from M-size to L-size)

I think its more than enough for pals wish me a luck..for my new start !

Let see how lucky I'm today ;)


  1. hey all the very best.... some of the points is similar to mine also... :) let this new start makes u happy and brings u luck always ... enjoy

  2. Thanks !!!!! so all the very best to u as-well

  3. Thats like Akki S :-)

    All d Best...

  4. Hey nice !!
    So can you take my assignment for editing pictures for my blog ? I love your pictures very much, just adore them and will be greatful if you do them for me :) I don't have photoshop and I don't get enought time to edit them - tell me abt your thought :)
    And I am dying to see your art blog - One time I also thought of starting my own but couldn't do it - but you go girl. All you things mentioned I am waiting to see them - Best wishes!!

  5. pic editing assignment m always ready to do that yaar...........u just mail me with detail wat type of editions u wantin them.........m so glad u offer me this...thanks a lot!!!!!!
