Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I was looking for you...

I really don't remember where I kept you, last I saw you at my earlier place, resting on my coffee table...but since I came here at new place, I can't find you, in which box I kept you safe.I have unpacked all the boxes,where are you???

You know well, you are the source of my positive energy, strength to my mind, body and soul....so that I can do well, remain active and distress.See my blog posting from last two months, haven't exceed more than one or two.My brain chimney is about to burst now.I don't know why I need you so much but I only know that I need you this much, so that I can tell world what I feel and what I do. So please answer me....where are you?

I checked my Jewelry box, saw in flower vase, looked inside well in the color paint box. I thought you might be in my drawing books but didn't find you there also, also checked you in my boot's box, boots are fine but you were not there.Tried to search you on net, but it seems you are out of the space.

Looked for you all around the corner but didn't find you.I'm tired now please tel me where are you?
Oh! in hurry-scurry I forget to look for you inside my brain...there you are! hiding under the stack of worries or you were testing me...I know you won't let me alone, my mistake I stop bothering about you so far.

But I really need you dear INSPIRATION!!!!!!!.....n you want to know what I can do when you are with me see this.......